Because I'm a Girl by Kiss

Because I'm a Girl

I just can't understand the ways
Of all the men and their mistakes
You give them all your heart
And then they rip it all away

You told me how much you loved me
And how our love was meant to be
And I believed in you
I thought that you would set me free

You should've just told me the truth
That I wasn't the girl for you
Still, I didn't have a clue
So my heart depended on you, whoa

Although I'll say I hate you now
Though I'll shout and curse you out
I'll always have love for you
Because I am a girl

Been told a man will leave you cold
Get sick of you and bored
I know that it's no lie
I gave my all, still I just cry

Never again will I be fooled
To give my all when nothing's true
I won't be played again
But I will fall in love again

Been told a man will leave you cold
Get sick of you and bored
I know that it's no lie
I gave my all, still I just cry

Never again will I be fooled
To give my all when nothing's true
I won't be played again
But I will fall in love again

You took advantage of my willingness
To do anything for love
Now I'm the only one in pain
Will you please take it all away

Never thought being born a girl
How I can love you and be burned
And now I will build a wall
To never get torn again

Bahagia, terharu, seneng, sedih, NANO-NANO !!!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hola! Minna-san :)
How are you? Still wait for my post? ;)

Yeah, i'm here now, at 10.04 PM in my bedroom. Listening to Because I'm a Girl by KISS.

Kali ini, aku mau bagi-bagi cerita mulai dari saat aku terakhir kali ngeposting, tanggal berapa?
23 Februari 2010

Dan sekarang tanggal
23 April 2010

wow, tepat sebulan aku gak mosting :O

Pertama-tama, maaf ya karena aku jadi jarang mosting. Penyebabnya ya diantaranya yaitu

aku mau UTS, jadi aku harus ngejar deadline tugas sama belajar buat ulangan dan UTS nya.

kedua, aku lebih prefer ke twitter sama facebook gara-gara lebih praktis penggunannya.

ketiga, aku kekurangan bahan untuk aku tulis disini :'(

Tapi tenang aja, sekarang aku udah nemuin cerita yang pas kok. :)

Nah, kedua-dua (tadi kan 'pertama-tama') aku mau cerita tentang member AXEVATION yang sekolah di SMAN 14 Jakarta.

1. Qisti
Qisti sekarang temenan sama Fina, dan Putri. trus, dia sekarang suka band korea yang namanya DBSK. Dan, di penjurusan ini, katanya Qisti mau masuk IPS.

2. Farah
Ini dia si juara seangkatan! Yup, Farah makin pinter aja. Si Farah ini sekarang suka sama boyband Korea yang namanya SHINee, girlband SNSD atau biasa disebut Girls Generation (aku juga suka kok SNSD ;)) Farah tuh pengeeeeeeeeeeeen banget masu jurusan IPA supaya dia bisa masuk Fakultas Perminyakan pas kuliah nanti.

3. Benhard
Benhard lagi deket sama seorang cewek nih, tapi mereka cuma temenan kok. hehe. Si Benhard ini punya ekskul DBWV yang peraturannya Suuuper Duuper Ketaaaat banget (lebe) jadi deh dia udah prefer banget ke DB. tapi sayangnya saya tak tahu dia ingin masuk IPA atau IPS.

4. Hafshah
Si 'kakak' yang satu ini makin jayus deh selama masuk kelas X-C dan gabung dengan ekskul NOT. Pokoknya kalo disamping dia bawaannya ketawa deh. Katanya dia, orangtua dia pengennya dia masuk IPA, cuma kalo dianya ya sedapetnya aja. huhu, pengen kita sekelas lagi deh kak :'(

5. Hafidh
Si 'maskot' ini bener-bener terkenal di SMAN 14 !!! sampai kakak kelas duabelas juga kenal loh sama dia. Tapi sayanganya si Hafidh nih udah mulai sombong, sampe-sampe aku gatau dia pengen masuk IPA atau IPS.

6. Sardo
Nah, si Sardo ini baru pindah dari SMAN 99 ke SMAN 14. Lucky-nya dia dapet sekelas sama Hafidh di X-D. Karena kelas kami jauh dan kami memang tak akrab, jadi saya tidak tahu apa-apa tentang dia.

7. Nabila
Profesor yang satu ini makin rajin aja belajarnya. btw, dia udah mulai naksir cowok (lagi) loh ;)
kalau menurut aku, si profesor cilik ini pasti bakalan masuk jurusan IPA deh. Hehe :)

Segitu aja tentang member AXEVATION yang sekarang sekolah di SMAN 14 Jakarta.

Kita lanjut ke ketiga-tiga

"tau gak?"
"enggak tuh"
"seminggu kemaren kita UTS loh"
"yaudah sih biasa aja"

hehe. iya bener. Seminggu ini murid-murid SMAN 14 Jakarta tengah menghadapi Ulangan Tengah Semester.
yang lucunya, hari kamis (pas ada mata ujian Matematika) katanya mau ada pemadaman listrik bergilir. jadi deh kita masuknya jam 06.25. jam 06.30 udah mulai ngerjain soal. hebat banget deh ya SMAN 14 Jakarta. :)

tadi farah sama Hafshah main kerumah aku loh :)
kami bercerita banyak hal tentang ini dan itu (taulah apa yang biasa diomongin cewek)

udah ya segitu aja dulu postingannya :) mohon dimaafin ya kalo ada kata-kata yang salah.

Makasih udah mau mampir ke blog aku dan baca postingannya. :D

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Way to Go - SNSD

Way to Go - SNSD
(English Translation)

Can you tell me to find strength?
Can you raise me up by sparkling your eyes?

Everyone wants it faster, more
Oh But I'm just an ordinary girl

The wind moves freely but
I don't know where everyone is

But have strength, we've made it this far
This is really nothing at all
Let's change this world!
The one thing i know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
Yes its you

Can you tell me that you love me?
Can you embrace me and laugh together?

Everyone wants it faster and more
oh but I'm just an ordinary girl

The sky is so blue but
I don't know where everyone is heading

But have strength, we've made it this far
This is really nothing at all
Let's change this world!
The one thing i know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
Yes its you

I like you just the way you are
you set me free set me free, my boy

Ever since you showed up (I've been changed)
Everything changed
From now on, let's start again

But have strength, we've made it this far
This is really nothing at all
We've changed the world
The one thing I know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
Yes its you

Ready for your love (This is really nothing at all)
The one thing i know is that
the only reason this complicated world is exciting
Is because of one reason
And that's you!

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