there's a place

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb :)

apa kabar netters semua? ane sih lagi ada yang mengganjal nih di dalam hati. tapi gatau apaan. jadi maap-maap aja ya kalo di postingan kali ini ane gak begitu have fun :|

terguncang, melinu, takut dan mengerang

apa yang harus ane lakuin? rasanya seperti menyiksa diri sendiri. tapi kenapa perasaan itu kerap datang? rasanya seperti i just.. hate myself at the end.

i just hate myself for being like this. for being tap on this way? am i take the wrong path? no.
then why this feeling constantly hanging in my heartspace?

There were places i would go sometimes. There were secrets that nobody else would know. There's a reason but I don't know why.. I thought they all belonged to me.

but suddenly everythings change, there's not only me. there's a human, another human, beside me.
I'm not dreaming so I don't know why, suddenly he/she is everywhere I wanna be.

Who's that person? Where's he/she from? No he/she can't be the one that has stolen my world!!
It's not real! it's not right!

Who's that person living my life?

sekian, wassalamualaikum wr wb

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