apa kabar netters semua? ane sih lagi ada yang mengganjal nih di dalam hati. tapi gatau apaan. jadi maap-maap aja ya kalo di postingan kali ini ane gak begitu have fun :|
terguncang, melinu, takut dan mengerang
apa yang harus ane lakuin? rasanya seperti menyiksa diri sendiri. tapi kenapa perasaan itu kerap datang? rasanya seperti i just.. hate myself at the end.
i just hate myself for being like this. for being tap on this way? am i take the wrong path? no.
then why this feeling constantly hanging in my heartspace?
There were places i would go sometimes. There were secrets that nobody else would know. There's a reason but I don't know why.. I thought they all belonged to me.
but suddenly everythings change, there's not only me. there's a human, another human, beside me.
I'm not dreaming so I don't know why, suddenly he/she is everywhere I wanna be.
Who's that person? Where's he/she from? No he/she can't be the one that has stolen my world!!
It's not real! it's not right!
It's not real! it's not right!
Who's that person living my life?
sekian, wassalamualaikum wr wb
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